I have question for anyone reading this. Why are so many teachers having sex with their students? One could argue that majority of teachers are white so the statistic would be more inflated. Lets not forget that there are teachers of other races. America has larger white population but more minorities in jail so the argument about their being more white teachers won't work.
Here are some examples.
1.Rachel Holt - "The 34-year-old Delaware teacher is facing rape charges for allegedly having sex with a 13-year-old student 28 times during a one-week period last month." http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0404062teacher1.html
2.Senorita Walker - "Meet Senorita Walker. The 33-year-old Chicago high school teacher is facing felony charges for allegedly paying three teenage boys for sex and plying them with pot and booze." http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/1110041teacher1.html

3.Debra Lafave - The 23-year-old Florida teacher is facing a host of felony charges for allegedly having sex with a 14-year-old male student. According to investigators, Lafave met the boy at Greco Middle School--where she taught reading--and had sex with him in her classroom, Isuzu SUV, and Tampa-area home.
4.Nadine Nunnelee - The 40-year-old Nunnelee, a teacher at Garden City High School, is facing felony charges for five illicit trysts (allegedly held at Nunnelee's home last month) with a 16-year-old male student.
5.Jaymee Lane Wallace - The Florida math teacher is facing charges that she carried on an 18-month affair with a teenage student she coached at a Tampa high school.
6.Pamela Joan Turner - The 27-year-old Tennessee woman is the latest teacher to be arrested for allegedly carrying on a sexual relationship with a student, in this case a 13-year-old boy.
7.Deanna Bobo - The 37-year-old Arkansas woman is the 3,496th teacher to be arrested this year on charges that she had sex with an underage student (in this case, a 14-year-old boy).

8.Kristen Margrif - The Michigan woman, 27, is a high school English teacher. So can you guess why she was just arrested? That's right, Margrif has been accused of having sex with a 16-year-old male student
9.Sandra Geisel - 42-year-old New Yorker is the latest teacher to face charges that she had sex with an underage male student.

"Former Catholic high school teacher Sandra ?Beth? Geisel, charged in the statutory rape of a 16-year-old male in May, was sentenced Monday to six months in jail, including time already served. Sanders says Geisel, 42 and the mother of four, "looked fresher, less hung over" Monday as she told the court, "I recognize my mistakes and I'm sorry. I take full responsibility." http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/11/22/earlyshow/main1065632.shtml
"Jackson would have to serve 85 percent of his time before being eligible for parole.
If the sentence were 18 years, eight months, for example, the minimum amount of time to serve would be about 15 years, 10 months; for a three-year sentence, the minimum would be about two and a half years."
Lets say these two individuals are equal under the "Constitution of America" then their sentencing wshould've been equal. Notice how in the Michael case his minimum time would have been 2.5 years but yet the other equal person received 6 months and she was "CONVICTED: meaning she
ADMITTED to a crime or has been found
Guilty."As you can clearly see from the two articles above
No jail time for Tampa Teacher Debra LaFave - Tampa, Florida - A plea deal has been reached in the case of Tampa teacher Debra LaFave.
Debra LaFave pleaded guilty to two counts of lewd and lascivious battery, on count one, 2 years community control and on count two, one year community control with 7 years of probation.
This means she will avoid any jail time. http://www.tampabays10.com/weird/weird_article.aspx?storyid=21598
John Fitzgibbons, Debra LaFave?s lawyer:
?It allows Debbie to avoid any prison time. And it allows her to continue with her mental health treatment. And also very importantly, It allows the young man involved her to go on with his life just as it allows Debbie
to go on with her life.?

Go on with her life" WOW!!! For some strange reason I'm starting to see connection here.
"Debra LaFave now has a curfew from 10pm to 6am. She must stay at least a thousand feet from schools, daycare centers etc., and anywhere kids congregate."
"White job seekers, fresh out of prison, have a better chance at gaining employment than Blacks with no criminal record, according to a Princeton University study of nearly 1,500 private employers in New York City. According to the study, a criminal record reduced positive responses from employers by about 35 percent for White applicants and 57 percent for Black applicants."
http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1355/is_2_108/ai_n15681393So guest they are right these "
people" will be able to go with theirs lives.
"A teacher in Kentucky is considering what to do about being fired from her job after officials learned she appeared in an adult movie more than 10 years ago."