Sunday, April 30, 2006

Court Upholds City Firings Over Racial Insult at Parade

"At issue in the case was whether the city had dismissed the police officer, Joseph Locurto, and the two firefighters, Jonathan Walters and Robert Steiner, because it deemed their actions distasteful or because they posed a threat of disruption. In the parade, through the mostly white Broad Channel neighborhood, the men rode a float labeled "Black to the Future: Broad Channel 2098," which featured buckets of fried chicken on the hood of a flatbed truck. Mr. Walters re-enacted the killing of James Byrd Jr., a black man who was dragged to his death behind a pickup truck in Texas."

3 whites indicted in dragging death of black man in Texas "Investigators believe that Byrd, 49, accepted a ride from the suspects as he walked home from a niece's bridal shower. But police believe that instead of taking him home, the men drove Byrd to a wooded area, beat him, chained him behind Berry's truck and sped down a bumpy road just east of town.Byrd's severed head, neck and right arm were discovered about a mile from where his shredded torso was dumped. A trail of blood, body parts and personal effects stretched for two miles, police said." 980726/980726jasper.html

Duke Lacrosse (Time stamped "photos" real or fake?)

Nope. When you take a picture with a digital camera, the exact date and time of the shutter-release are recorded to your image file, along with many other bits of "metadata." Every time you take a picture, your camera will also save information about your exposure time, f-stop setting, ISO, focal length, and so on. (It will even store a second time stamp for the moment the image file gets written to your memory card?which usually happens just a few moments after you take the picture.) But the time stamps are only as accurate as the clock in your camera; if you forgot to set it an hour ahead for daylight savings, your metadata would be an hour off. You can also modify any of the metadata with a simple computer command if you have the right software.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

White teens accused of brutal racist attack on Hispanic(sexual assault)

SPRING, Texas (AP) -- Two white teenagers severely beat and sodomized a 16-year-old Hispanic boy who they believed had tried to kiss a 12-year-old white girl at a party, authorities said.

"Another student told KHOU that Tuck had tattoos on him of Hitler's birthday and all that stuff."

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Duke Case

"We now seem able to acknowledge that different racial groups may see different things when looking at the same case (thanks OJ). In the Duke case, many Blacks see privileged White frat boys/athletes getting special treatment, while many Whites see upstanding college kids being railroaded by race mongers and politics. We aren?t comfortable?in fact we?re uncomfortable and unwilling?to take the next step and talk about racism. Racism, let?s talk about it."

Monday, April 24, 2006

Elizabeth Sunde

"Elizabeth Sunde, 19, who is part of the Disney College Program, told police that she was walking home to her apartment in Orange County, Fla., when four men confronted her and then grabbed her on Feb. 26.

She said the men then forced her into a Commons apartment unit and took turns raping her and forcing her to perform sex acts.

The woman told officers that she repeatedly told her attackers to stop, according to the report.

A videotape of the sexual encounter that took place early Sunday morning shows that Sunde agreed to participate in the sex acts with four men from France, Orange County Sheriff's spokesman Jim Solomons said."


Duke Accuser's Info:
Crystal Gail Mangum (confirmed).
Has had several run-ins with the law before. (confirmed)
Exotic Dancer, sources say she worked for Bunnyhole Entertainment (warning not for chiildren) EMAIL CONTACT or (908) 220-4809
Bunnyhole Domain Owned by: Willie Drewery, 717 5B washington Ave Linden, New Jersey 07023
Girl is 27 yrs old
Two Children (One Daughter, Other Unknown)
Went To Hillside High School, Located in Durham, N.C.
Student at North Carolina Central University CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGY (FULL TIME STUDENT)
Black and/or African American
Has recently moved from her home to avoid the media.
Jason Bissey, 26 was next door to the party.

Another Exotic Dancer from the same company as the duke accuser(Jenna)

(I do not do any interacial caucasion(white) only.) This one happens to be racist.

Angry Asian Man

"Asian girls are like New Orleans levees; they only stay tight for so long" -- Rumpus, 4.15.06, "Me Love You Long Time: Yale's case of Yellow Fever" [see here, page 10 & 11)

Shopping While Black(Fit the description)

"These biases, many point out, are evident in white people's reactions to people of color. Minorities report that whites are often anxious in their presence: Salesclerks follow them around in stores, worried that they might shoplift something; taxi drivers refuse to give them rides; police pull them over to check their cars for weapons or drugs; whites seem fearful when they have to stand near black or Latino men in elevators.
Whites, for example, do not usually experience much prejudice in their own lives or know many people who have experienced racial discrimination, so they may conclude that racism is not much of a problem today."
"Last month, three black women were surrounded by four police cars as they were leaving a women's clothing store in Shadyside merely because a clerk in the store said she thought they had stolen something. Adding insult to injury, it was also stated by the clerk that the women "fit the description" of a woman who had allegedly stolen a watch from the store a week earlier."
"Half the juvenile cases from the Central District, Rainier Valley and West Seattle were black youths. One-fourth of the cases involved white youths. Asians represented 18 percent, and Hispanics, 2 percent.
"White youths were more likely than blacks or Asians to be stopped for shoplifting. Asian youths were more than twice as likely to be stopped for "suspicious circumstances," and to be charged with car-related crimes. And Asians were nearly three times more likely to be referred to prosecutors for trespassing.
Blacks were four to five times more likely than whites to be referred to prosecutors on robbery charges."
"Pennsylvania (Brentwood) - On October 12, 1995, Jonny Gammage, a 31 year-old African American male, was killed after being pulled over while driving the Jaguar of his cousin, Pittsburgh Steelers football player Ray Seals, in a predominately white community. Although police claimed that Gammage initiated the struggle, a tow truck driver said he saw one officer start the fight and the others join in kicking, hitting and clubbing Gammage while he lay on the pavement. Three officers were tried for involuntary manslaughter: John Vojtas was acquitted; Lt. Milton Mulholland and Michael Albert had their charges dismissed after two mistrials. Gammage's family settled a wrongful death civil rights lawsuit against the five officers involved and their police departments for $1.5 million."
"New 'Buying Power' report shows blacks still outspend other ethnic segments.According to the report, black households had $631 billion in earned income in 2002, an increase of 4.8% over the $602 billion earned in 2001."
"HOLLYWOOD actress Winona Ryder, who was convicted of shoplifting last week, was suspected of stealing from other upmarket department stores, it was revealed last night.Newly released court transcripts from Ryder's trial have revealed that the actress was suspected of stealing from two other stores before she was arrested for theft at Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills."
"And although shopkeepers often are quick to blame juveniles for missing items, the UF study found shoplifters were most commonly between the ages of 35 and 54. These middle-aged adults, most of them gainfully employed, were primary household shoppers who occasionally stole to acquire goods whose cost stretched beyond their household budgets. Overall, blacks and Hispanics were no more likely than whites to steal merchandise."

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Teacher Sex

I have question for anyone reading this. Why are so many teachers having sex with their students? One could argue that majority of teachers are white so the statistic would be more inflated. Lets not forget that there are teachers of other races. America has larger white population but more minorities in jail so the argument about their being more white teachers won't work.

Here are some examples.
1.Rachel Holt - "The 34-year-old Delaware teacher is facing rape charges for allegedly having sex with a 13-year-old student 28 times during a one-week period last month."

2.Senorita Walker - "Meet Senorita Walker. The 33-year-old Chicago high school teacher is facing felony charges for allegedly paying three teenage boys for sex and plying them with pot and booze."

3.Debra Lafave - The 23-year-old Florida teacher is facing a host of felony charges for allegedly having sex with a 14-year-old male student. According to investigators, Lafave met the boy at Greco Middle School--where she taught reading--and had sex with him in her classroom, Isuzu SUV, and Tampa-area home.

4.Nadine Nunnelee - The 40-year-old Nunnelee, a teacher at Garden City High School, is facing felony charges for five illicit trysts (allegedly held at Nunnelee's home last month) with a 16-year-old male student.

5.Jaymee Lane Wallace - The Florida math teacher is facing charges that she carried on an 18-month affair with a teenage student she coached at a Tampa high school.

6.Pamela Joan Turner - The 27-year-old Tennessee woman is the latest teacher to be arrested for allegedly carrying on a sexual relationship with a student, in this case a 13-year-old boy.

7.Deanna Bobo - The 37-year-old Arkansas woman is the 3,496th teacher to be arrested this year on charges that she had sex with an underage student (in this case, a 14-year-old boy).

8.Kristen Margrif - The Michigan woman, 27, is a high school English teacher. So can you guess why she was just arrested? That's right, Margrif has been accused of having sex with a 16-year-old male student

9.Sandra Geisel - 42-year-old New Yorker is the latest teacher to face charges that she had sex with an underage male student.

"Former Catholic high school teacher Sandra ?Beth? Geisel, charged in the statutory rape of a 16-year-old male in May, was sentenced Monday to six months in jail, including time already served. Sanders says Geisel, 42 and the mother of four, "looked fresher, less hung over" Monday as she told the court, "I recognize my mistakes and I'm sorry. I take full responsibility."

"Jackson would have to serve 85 percent of his time before being eligible for parole.

If the sentence were 18 years, eight months, for example, the minimum amount of time to serve would be about 15 years, 10 months; for a three-year sentence, the minimum would be about two and a half years."

Lets say these two individuals are equal under the "Constitution of America" then their sentencing wshould've been equal. Notice how in the Michael case his minimum time would have been 2.5 years but yet the other equal person received 6 months and she was "CONVICTED: meaning she ADMITTED to a crime or has been found Guilty."As you can clearly see from the two articles above

No jail time for Tampa Teacher Debra LaFave - Tampa, Florida - A plea deal has been reached in the case of Tampa teacher Debra LaFave.

Debra LaFave pleaded guilty to two counts of lewd and lascivious battery, on count one, 2 years community control and on count two, one year community control with 7 years of probation.

This means she will avoid any jail time.

John Fitzgibbons, Debra LaFave?s lawyer:
?It allows Debbie to avoid any prison time. And it allows her to continue with her mental health treatment. And also very importantly, It allows the young man involved her to go on with his life just as it allows Debbie to go on with her life.?
"Go on with her life" WOW!!! For some strange reason I'm starting to see connection here.

"Debra LaFave now has a curfew from 10pm to 6am. She must stay at least a thousand feet from schools, daycare centers etc., and anywhere kids congregate."

"White job seekers, fresh out of prison, have a better chance at gaining employment than Blacks with no criminal record, according to a Princeton University study of nearly 1,500 private employers in New York City. According to the study, a criminal record reduced positive responses from employers by about 35 percent for White applicants and 57 percent for Black applicants."

So guest they are right these "people" will be able to go with theirs lives.
"A teacher in Kentucky is considering what to do about being fired from her job after officials learned she appeared in an adult movie more than 10 years ago."

Friday, April 21, 2006

Mexican Boader Patrol Game

"WARNING: Potentially Offensive material beyond this point. is an expression of the First Amendment right to free speech. Any of the following pages, photo's, or other material contained within this webpage is not, I REPEAT, is not to be taken as a THREAT to ANYTHING or ANYONE! *** The material supplied is NOT an instruction or a directive to use against anyone. However, if one does take the information provided and acts violently upon it, it is their responsibility and solely theirs. *** If you feel that my freedom of speech is a direct -THREAT- of your -CIVIL RIGHTS- do not continue with this page. If you do continue and you feel -THREATENED- then that is YOUR OWN FAULT, not mine. I will not be held responsible for what -FEELINGS- this page provokes. *** is not intended for children, the immature, the meek or faint hearted. *** If you are over 18, mature and stronghearted please continue. *** Otherwise close this webpage Now."

Singing Nazi Twins Enjoy Racist Video Game

GP hears from time to time about a white supremacist game called Ethnic Cleansing. But we didn't know of anyone who actually played that garbage - until now.

The New York Daily News reports that Prussian Blue, twin singing sisters from Bakersfield, California, enjoy playing Ethnic Cleansing. The duo recently stirred controversy when Time Warner publication Teen People indicated on its website that the mag would be profiling the twins in an upcoming issue. Following a protest, Time Warner quickly nixed the story, blaming a junior employee for making an unauthorized decision.

Prussian Blue has become quite popular in the white supremacy movement, even opening at events for one-time KKK grand wizard David Duke. The pretty, blonde twins, who refer to nonwhites as "muds" were raised by their parents in a home filled with Nazi memorabilia - and, obviously, hate.

I've been to one of their shows and let me tell you even the Mexican were moshing.NOT. Teen magazine obviously not caring if their readers are "non-white" actually wanted to run an article about these "BEAUTIFUL" young girls.

Made in China

We pledge not to buy products from, or invest in China until the government respects human and animal rights in China, Tibet and East Turkestan. We also demand that China behaves like a true ally, and stops exporting artificially cheap goods made by slave labor and in sweat shops where basic workers rights are ignored. Darfur, Burma, Tibet, Zimbabwe, and many other places, have suffered from China?s malevolent influence. The United Nations did nothing to help the people of Darfur because they knew that China would use its position as a permanent member of the Security Council to veto any action to protect its oil interests in Sudan. Its vicious occupation of Tibet has left over a million dead. China continues to support Mugabe's regime in Zimbabwe, and the military dictatorship in Burma ? no strings attached. Every time you buy a Chinese product you are paying for this oppression.BEIJING - The use of torture is widespread in China and the country needs major structural reform to its legal system for the situation to improve, a top U.N. envoy said on Friday.You will be surprised to learn: The two PLA colonels who authored Unrestricted Warfare have been hailed as heroes in China since Sept. 11 The Chinese state-run propaganda machine is cashing in on the terror attacks ... producing books, films and video games glorifying the strikes as a humbling blow against an arrogant nation. Chinese Communist Party officials are saying that President Jiang Zemin has obsessively and gleefully watched and re-watched pictures of the aircraft crashing into the World Trade Center. The CIA's own translation agency reported that this book identifies the U.S. as China's main enemy, and details how a weak nation can destroy America using unorthodox attacks, like the 9-11 attacks. China is preparing itself and encouraging others to engage the U.S. in total war. The book is chock full of plans and strategies, from using computers, to smuggling illegal immigrants, to manipulating the stock markets, to influencing the U.S. media, to using weapons of mass destruction, all to destroy America. Recent press reports indicate that China has assisted and continues to assist militarily and economically the Taliban and al-Qaeda, even after Sept. 11.

The federal law is designed to protect foreign dignitaries and official guests, and prohibits attempts to "intimidate, threaten, coerce or harass a foreign official or an official guest or obstruct a foreign official in the performance of his duties."Wang then began to yell at President Bush, according to the documents, partly in English and partly in Chinese, saying, "President Bush, stop him from killing. President Bush, stop him from persecuting Falun Gong.Wang then began to yell at President Bush, according to the documents, partly in English and partly in Chinese, saying, "President Bush, stop him from killing. President Bush, stop him from persecuting Falun Gong."

"The threat comes from Iraq. It arises directly from the Iraqi regime's own actions -- its history of aggression, and its drive toward an arsenal of terror. Eleven years ago, as a condition for ending the Persian Gulf War, the Iraqi regime was required to destroy its weapons of mass destruction, to cease all development of such weapons, and to stop all support for terrorist groups. The Iraqi regime has violated all of those obligations. It possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. It has given shelter and support to terrorism, and practices terror against its own people. The entire world has witnessed Iraq's eleven-year history of defiance, deception and bad faith."

Why didn't he invite Saddam to the white house so they could discuss the way he's been mis-treating his people? I'm sure we have more than enough proof that North Korea and Iran have or they are producing "WMD". Why hasn't he gone and attack these country?

Word's can never harm you?(Duke Email)

"It was pointed out to me that Ryan McFadyen's email to the team was a reference to the book and movie, "American Psycho" . Apparently, this was a bit of a cult favorite among Duke Lacrosse team members."

"I start by skinning Torri a little, making incisions with a steak knife and ripping bits of flesh from her legs and stomach while she screams in vain, begging for mercy in a high thin voice. Finally I pour acid onto her belly and genitals, but none of this comes close to killing her, so I resort to stabbing her in the throat and eventually the blade of the knife breaks off in what's left of her neck, stuck on bone, and I stop. While Tiffany watches, finally I saw the entire head off--torrents of blood splash against the walls, even the ceiling.....(text becomes sexually explicit here)" (p. 304, from American Psycho)

To whom it may concern

tommrow night......have some strippers over to eden nudity(strippers with no nudity..lololol) I plan on killing these bitches as soon as the walk in(I love the grammar...Let a "black man say say axe not comes the "inner" office jokes.) cumming in my duke issue spandex.....41

"Slurs have, in a sense, gone underground," McKinnon said. "White men tend to hear more slurs of all kinds than other people," he said.
"The conclusion we come to is that when people are comfortable or think they're in a safe audience, they'll talk about sexually explicit issues or race or anything else."
Thirty percent of whites overheard racial slurs compared with 20% of African Americans, and almost 35% of men overheard sexually inappropriate remarks versus 28% of women, according to the survey."

Prosecutor Matthew"[Shyne] is nothing other than a gun-toting braggart that's what he is." Prosecutor Matthew Bogdanos
Bogdanos said that Shyne's lyrics show he has no remorse for his part in the Club New York shootings, for which he was convicted of assault, reckless endangerment and weapons charges in March
"Mr. Barrow is nothing other than a gun-toting braggart that's what he is," Bogdanos said, quoting lyrics from Shyne's "Let Me See Your Hands": "Gun cockin' and poppin', somebody call Cochran/ ... No time to waste, nine in my waist/ Ready for war anytime, anyplace/ F--- it, just another case." Shyne looked down at papers on the table in front of him as Bogdanos spoke, and his supporters shook their heads in disgust."

Shynes lyrics sounds just like McFadyen's email but of course, lets not forget, Shyne's tan is a little more darker. Who's to say Shyne didn't love Gangster movies. Maybe he was watching Scarface when he wrote those lyrics?

Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly, noted to be one of the most visible rap critics over the past six months, made his first objectionable statements about the music genre in protest of Pepsi's choice of rapper Ludacris as a spokesperson last summer. Pepsi decided to cancel the Ludacris promotion in August, just one day after O'Reilly's segment criticizing the company for using the rapper appeared on air. Both O'Reilly and his viewers cited the rapper's notably foul lyrics, questionable appropriateness and general morality as reasons for not running the ad. This, of course, was a reasonable action requiring no defense from Pepsi -- that is, until last month.

So what is the Pepsi twist? This year the company signed a promotion deal featuring none other than Ozzy Osbourne, the notoriously dirty punk rocker of the '70s. According to the Associated Press, Simmons saw this double standard: "At a news conference, Simmons said he didn't have a problem with Pepsi's decision at the time, and that it was Pepsi's right to pull the commercial. But he objected when he saw an ad for Pepsi Twist during the Super Bowl that featured the Osbournes, whose MTV show is filled with audio bleeps to block foul language"

Blind Rape

he mistakenly had sex with "the wrong woman" after entering a dark bedroom,20281,18879129-5001022,00.html

Duke Rape

"Colored People" need to realize that this country still has invinsible signs that read for WHITES ONLY. It amazes me that so many White Supremist have surfaced over the recent Dukes Lacrosse case. A lot of people are attacking this young mother of 2 and stating that she is lying because it involves a "White Man."(When I said mother of 2 if your think stripper - "POOR" women of every race do it too.) If this was a black basketball team and they raped a "black" female, majority of "White America" wouldn't care. The only thing they would say is look how violent the "Black Man" is. If the NCCU basketball team had rape a "White" stripper, the whole school would have been burned down by now. They would have easily lynched the school president for not keeping his violent "Black" players under control. Look at the Kobe case for example. Kobe being a "Black Male" obviously had to be guilty.

"Impact of false accusations against an 'Hispanic'
Particularly -- and rightly -- troubling to many is that Wilbanks said one of her kidnappers was Hispanic. This comment shows that Wilbanks was probably herself racist, or, at a minimum, that she was catering to racism; perhaps she thought her story would be more plausible if she claimed one of the perpetrators was Hispanic.
If she had not reneged, her claim could even have led to the wrongful conviction of an innocent man. Certainly, Wilbanks owes Hispanics an apology, and ought to amend her way of thinking.
But in the end, the quickly-retracted claim ended up doing little real damage to the image and standing of Hispanics. Like child-killer Susan Smith's false claim that an African-American man had stolen her car - with her children in it - at gunpoint, Wilbanks' remark is now a reminder of why assuming a perpetrator is likely to be a person of color is sheer folly. It's also a reminder that a white "victim" who is blaming a person of color may, in some cases, be doing so to refocus attention away from herself.
I'm not saying, of course, that more false accusations against people of color should be made. I'm just pointing out the irony in which a false, racist accusation turns out to be both a rebuttal of racism -- once the false claim is retracted -- and a cautionary tale.
Harsh penalty won't do any good
Assuming Wilbanks does apologize, as her attorney has indicated she will, what else should happen to her?
In my view, nothing. She should be able to go on with her life, live where she chooses, and continue to get the help she needs."

Notice how the writer of this article(obviously "White") tries to show that she has some sort of idea of racial-social issues in society with her little piece about blaming hispanics(minorities). Then she actually goes on to state that this "White Woman" that lied about being kidnapped and had previous charges against her(similar to the Duke accuser) should be forgiven. Doesn't this make you feel so happy how "White America" are so easy to forget about one of their own lying but will crucify this Duke accuser if she is lying. No one would have went around angry if some innocent hispanic people where being harrassed in the search of this women. This women even got a movie deal. Let some director offer the Duke accuser a movie deal and see if Hollywood wouldn't kick him or her out. No one cared that one of the Duke Lacrosse players actually put on BLACKFACE in a face book picture. ( No one cared that Susan Smith lied about a "Black Male" kidnapping her children. No one(White America) cared that black men in South Carolina were being harrassed for this "White Women's" lies. Now they except "Blacks" to go easy on one of their kind. Sorry "White America" NO!!! These guys should get exactly what they deserve. Without commenting much more about the rape, the whole racist situation alone should have everyone at the party on trial for hate crimes. I'm sure if they did this, that "Wall of Silence" would have been gone a long time ago. All these "White" reporters need to stop saying that this case wasn't racial motived. I'm sorry but a bunch of "White" males yelling "Thank your grandfather for my shirt" is. SISTER I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW YOU HAVE PEOPLE THAT SUPPORT YOU. NO ONE WILL RUN FROM RACISM ANYMORE. PEOPLE FOUGHT TOO LONG AND HARD TO LET SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAPPEN AND OFFER HELP

There were 9,372 victims of hate crimes in 1993.
Of this number, 85% were individuals with the
remaining 15% being businesses, organizations, or
other property. Table 2 shows that within the
Race category, blacks were the victims of 59.2%
of the crimes committed, while whites were the
victims in 30.8% of the crimes.