Tuesday, May 23, 2006

"Teacher Accused Of Having Sex With Student"

"RALEIGH, N.C. -- A former world history teacher is out of jail after she was arrested on Monday for allegedly having sex with a 16-year-old male student last month during a field trip." http://www.wral.com/news/9256503/detail.html?rss=ral&psp=news

"Woman, 44, Nabbed For Sex With Boy, 13"

Monday, May 22, 2006

Katrina autopsy: Police shot retarded man in back

"Autopsy results obtained by CNN show a man was shot in the back when he was killed by New Orleans police in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The autopsy contradicts testimony by a police sergeant that the victim had turned toward officers and was reaching into his waistband when shot."http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/05/22/katrina.shotinback/index.html

Ronald Madison was shot in the back by New Orleans police after Hurricane Katrina, autopsy records show.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Law divides Omaha schools into racially identifiable districts

"The law, passed by the Nebraska Legislature at the end of its recent session, splits the Omaha district starting in 2008 into three districts: one mostly black, one largely Hispanic and one predominantly white."http://www.cnn.com/2006/EDUCATION/05/17/schools.naacp.lawsuit.ap/index.html

Duke Lacrosse T-Shirts



Personally I think it stupid for someone to make funny of this situation because it effects both the Duke team and this young lady.

"It's the same old story. Duke up, Central down."

"A source familiar with the prosecution's case told NEWSWEEK that the woman broke down and cried when she identified one of the two players indicted last week.""Chan Hall, 22, said, "It's the same old story. Duke up, Central down." Hall said he wanted to see the Duke students prosecuted "whether it happened or not. It would be justice for things that happened in the past." (On a bulletin board in the student lounge was a long list of students with grades high enough to qualify for the Golden Key International Honour Society. On the list was the name of the alleged rape victim.")http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12442765/site/newsweek/page/7/

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

"Before her singing career took off, Candye was a porn star. She is unapologetic about it, and even works it into her act."

"When she was sixteen Ms. Kane had her first son and found herself working the "sex industry" for quick cash."http://www.monk.com/display.php?p=People&id=42


"I kind of wanted to be a porn star," she said. "I wasn't raped or abused."http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=50141

Do women EQUALLY keep the porn industry going?

Duke Lacrosse effect on other school: Northwestern suspends women's soccer team


"EVANSTON, Ill. -- Northwestern women's soccer coach Jenny Haigh, whose team was embarrassed by pictures of hazing posted on the Internet and disciplined this spring, resigned Tuesday."http://sports.espn.go.com/ncaa/news/story?id=2493994

"Wick lacrosse players accused of hazing"
The arrest comes 3½ weeks after a 19-year-old freshman reported to police that upperclassmen forced rookie players to strip naked and drink a keg of beer during a party at 63 Spruce St.http://www.thedailystar.com/news/stories/2006/03/16/arrest1.html

"The shooting happened around 3:00 a.m. Saturday after a group of Whites argued with a group of Hispanics"

"The two groups were jawing back and forth with each other over citizenship issues and whatnot," Welch said.http://www.citizen-times.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060515/NEWS01/305150001/1149

Monday, May 15, 2006

Bill Crosby:Please don't Speak

"These are not political criminals," he said. "These are people going around stealing Coca-Cola. People getting shot in the back of the head over a piece of pound cake and then we run out and we are outraged, [saying] 'The cops shouldn't have shot him.' What the hell was he doing with the pound cake in his hand?" Bill Crosby "Such remarks naturally didn't sit well with the "Blame America First" Black leaders of the NAACP who were present."

Bill Cosby Cracks Down On Young Black Men

Memphis- "The men as young boys are dropping out of high school, but they've memorized the lyrics of very difficult rap songs," Comedian Bill Cosby says. Stern criticism from Bill Cosby as he addresses the 2006 graduating class of Spelman College in Atlanta. But his message isn't going over so well with these young men at the Boys & Girls Club here in Memphis. "It doesn't make me feel good as a young black male at all. Not everyone is trying to do bad in their life," High School Senior Nick Smith says.

Nick Smith and Jeremy Lawson are just two young men who are doing good. Both will graduate high school next week and head to college. "I refuse to be a statistic. It just gives me fuel to my fire," Lawson says. Cosby also cracks down on young black men who he says leave women to fend for themselves. "They know how to send their sperm cells out then walk away from something called the responsibility of father," Cosby says.

Bernal Smith is the president of 100 Black Men of Memphis, an organization that works to empower youth in the African-American community. He says you can't be mad at Bill Cosby. You just have to remind people like him to do their part to tackle the problem. "I would say to people like Bill Cosby or other folks, invest [in our youth]," Smith says.

We should mention Cosby did make it clear there are some young Black males doing the right thing. And Morehouse College, the brother school to Spelman graduated its largest class in school history this year.http://www.wreg.com/Global/story.asp?S=4915084

Candidate: Holocaust didn't happen

"BIRMINGHAM -- A Democratic candidate for attorney general denies the Holocaust occurred and said Friday he will speak this weekend to a "pro-white" organization that is widely viewed as being racist. Speaking in an interview with The Associated Press, Darby said he believes no more than 140,000 Jewish people died in Europe during World War II, and most of them succumbed to ty phus.

Historians say about 6 mil lion Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis, but Darby said the figure is a false claim of the "Holocaust industry."http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060513/NEWS02/605130365&SearchID=73244627604496

Hate hotline puts speech on hold

"What's the difference between a Rottweiler and a Jewish mother? Eventually, the Rottweiler lets go. Now, some Jews may find that joke offensive. I don't. But if you're insulted, and you live in Boulder, you're in luck. Soon enough, you may be able to report me to the authorities."http://www.denverpost.com/harsanyi/ci_3823356

Duke lacrosse captain indicted

" A Duke University lacrosse team captain became the third player indicted in the rape scandal Monday and the first to speak out, blasting the charges against him as "fantastic lies." http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/more/05/15/duke.lacrosse.ap/index.html?cnn=yes
"According to the DNA report, tests specifically designed to look for semen found none on swabs of the alleged victim's mouth or genital areas........The alleged victim does not say in any affidavit whether any of her attackers ejaculated during the alleged assault."http://abcnews.go.com/US/LegalCenter/story?id=1962163

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Duke Possible DNA found

"Tissue found under the fingernail of an exotic dancer who claimed she was raped at a Duke University lacrosse party may match a player who was there, several well-placed sources said Wednesday.""Nifong said earlier he was pursuing the possibility of another indictment, although reports indicated the dancer was able to identify a third person with only 90 percent certainty. WRAL-TV, citing a transcript of the photo identification session the dancer had with police, reported Wednesday that she indicated a fourth player also may have been involved in assaulting her.

Tissue found under the dancer's fingernails was consistent with the third man's DNA pattern, sources told The Herald-Sun on Wednesday.

In addition, the sources said a male pubic hair had been linked to the case. But because the hair lacked a root, no identifiable DNA was obtained from it, they said. The only thing that could be determined was that the hair came from a white man, the sources said."


If it does match one of the players lets see what excuse the defense will come up with now? This is a very interesting turn of events because it might quiet all the people screaming this black women is lying. From my understanding didn't the players say the DNA would come back negative? What are they going to say now? "She had sex with a white male prior to coming to the lacrosse players house." I'm sure if this was the case someone would have already come out and said something.

"As a general rule, Meehan whose lab produced the DNA report agrees the absence of DNA does not kill a prosecutor's case."http://abcnews.go.com/US/LegalCenter/story?id=1962163&page=4

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Minorities becoming closer to the majority


Census statistics also show:
45 percent of children under age 5 are from a racial or ethnic minority.

"A book by Kevin Phillips says President Bush sometimes sang the national anthem in Spanish at campaign rallies in 2000."http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/05/03/politics/main1577481.shtml

"I think the national anthem ought to be sung in English," Mr. Bush told reporters last week, "and I think people who want to be a citizen of this country ought to learn English, and they ought to learn to sing the national anthem in English."

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Rikki Andersin Resurfaces at Tericka Dye(Teacher Sex Scandal)

"A teacher in Kentucky is considering what to do about being fired from her job after officials learned she appeared in an adult movie more than 10 years ago.

Tericka Dye told WKYX in Paducah that she was in the adult entertainment business for only a matter of "hours", recognized her mistake, and turned her life around.

Dye said that she's now a Christian and wants the Bible Belt community to practice forgiveness."

These are all the films she did in an "hours "
Sex Freaks 10
Tight Ass
Wet Cum Shots 6
Exit Only 6
Wet Cum Shots 7
Rug Munchers
Major Slut and
Butt Brats 7
Ass Whores 12
Climax Shots 86 - Three To Tango
Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun
Eruptions - Double Dippin
In Thru The Out Door 7
In Thru The Out Door 8
Party House 5

She's not worrying at all. Here comes the new book deal and these dvd's should start selling again after 10 years pretty soon. It just really sucks for this poor woman because she probably really changed her life around. I wonder why Paris Hilton was never fired from a simple life after her porn? "One Night in Paris will likely remain the largest selling porn video of all time..." www.adultdvdempire.com/exec/v1_item.asp?item_id=605269
Frenchie Davis "literally stops traffic" in New York City, where she's currently performing in Rent, as "[f]ans of all ages..tell her she was robbed,"The New York Post reports."There was definitely a double standard - If I was a typical, thin hot chick, I wouldn't have been kicked off the show."http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/american_idol_2/2003_Jun_04_frenchie_stops
Evan Marriott's brief career as an underwear model wasn't a problem. And "Joe Millionaire" contestant Sarah Kozer's starring role in dozens of bondage and fetish films also was of no concern to Fox Television. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/frenchie1.html

"Teacher who appeared in adult film has public hearing canceled."http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060615/NEWS0104/606150405/1008/NEWS01

New Orleans(slow response)


"The Race Card Convicted The Duke Lacrosse Players"

I guess this guy failed to read the part stating slurs where used "thank you grandfather for my shirt."So I guess if I ran down the street calling chinese "CHINKS" or whites "Honkies" that has nothing to do with me being racist.

"One NYPD police officer said, on condition of anonymity, "This is a travesty. These street punks are getting a slap on the wrist. They did complete a felony -- assault -- when they grabbed the student and punched him. They just didn't want to throw the book at these kids."

He also said, "They didn't want to charge them with a bias crime because they don't want the [crime] stats to show a black-on-white bias crime. You can be sure if the roles were reversed -- if it were a white-on-black incident -- it would have been treated as a bias crime," he said. http://www.commonvoice.com/article.asp?colid=4663

First of all one was hispanic not that it matters.(I don't justify any racially motivated attack.) The report states 4 blacks. When you have a obviously(white)"COP" making a statement like this you know your in trouble. So now America is adjust the crime stats to help blacks. Last time I checked more blacks were in jail their white majority partners. As seen in this stupid statement by a (white)cop I don't hear these Duke students being charged with any hate crimes and they've admitted using racial slurs.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Comments by Duke Lacrosse Players

As everyone knows(including whites)in America. Black slave labor built most of this country. I find it funny when someone could stand there and insult a women because of her race and not understand what he or she is say. "Thank you grandfather for my shirt" was said at the two women as they left the lacrosse players house. Yes I know he meant it in a sarcastic way but he should actually be thanking her grandfather and so should most of America. I'm sure if I began to name the amount of things slave labor built in this country the list would be endless. Maybe if these players would do the research they would find out that Duke was built with slave labor also. "Like with many white institutions of higher learning in the United States, including Clemson University and Brown University, Duke University was built on the illegal profits from slave labor. Washington Duke, the patriarch of the Duke family and a Confederate soldier, attracted nearby Trinity College to Durham. Trinity College is now Duke University." http://www.amsterdamnews.com/News/article/article.asp?NewsID=68864&sID=34
1.White House
3.Brown University