"A teacher in Kentucky is considering what to do about being fired from her job after officials learned she appeared in an adult movie more than 10 years ago.
Tericka Dye told WKYX in Paducah that she was in the adult entertainment business for only a matter of
"hours", recognized her mistake, and turned her life around.
Dye said that she's now a Christian and wants the Bible Belt community to practice forgiveness."
These are all the films she did in an
"hours "
Sex Freaks 10
Tight Ass
Wet Cum Shots 6
Exit Only 6
Wet Cum Shots 7
Rug Munchers
Major Slut and
Butt Brats 7
Ass Whores 12
Climax Shots 86 - Three To Tango
Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun
Eruptions - Double Dippin
In Thru The Out Door 7
In Thru The Out Door 8
Party House 5
She's not worrying at all. Here comes the new book deal and these dvd's should start selling again after 10 years pretty soon. It just really sucks for this poor woman because she probably really changed her life around. I wonder why Paris Hilton was never fired from a simple life after her porn? "One Night in Paris will likely remain the largest selling porn video of all time..." www.adultdvdempire.com/exec/v1_item.asp?item_id=605269

Frenchie Davis "literally stops traffic" in New York City, where she's currently performing in Rent, as "[f]ans of all ages..tell her she was robbed,"The New York Post reports."There was definitely a double standard - If I was a typical, thin hot chick, I wouldn't have been kicked off the show."http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/american_idol_2/2003_Jun_04_frenchie_stops
Evan Marriott's brief career as an underwear model wasn't a problem. And "Joe Millionaire" contestant Sarah Kozer's starring role in dozens of bondage and fetish films also was of no concern to Fox Television. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/frenchie1.html
"Teacher who appeared in adult film has public hearing canceled."http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060615/NEWS0104/606150405/1008/NEWS01